Editor’s Note: County sales tax rates increased in October

November 08, 2023

After hearing that customers have been questioning area store employees about the increase in the cost of their regularly purchased items, we felt it necessary to reshare the information that we published at the end of September about the sales tax increase.

The new Kiowa County Sales Tax rates went into effect on Sunday, October 1, following county voters’ approval of a 1% tax in June to provide funding for building and equipping a new jail to replace the near 120 year old jail. The previous county sales tax rate was set at one-half of 1%, and increased to 1.5% at the beginning of October. The state tax rate was unchanged at 4.5%.

Previous local sales tax in Snyder totaled 9% and increased to the new total of 10%; Mt. Park’s and Roosevelt’s total was previously 8%, increasing to 9% each. This means that any purchase made at a store in Kiowa County will now cost you one cent per dollar spent more than in September.